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HEAR US NOW Background

The HEAR US NOW technology is based on how the brain interprets or 'decodes' sound. Many years ago, as a Dallas Summer Musicals board member, HEAR US NOW Founder Barry Epstein was charged with improving the sound at Broadway Dallas. The prospect energized him. How often does an electrical engineer get the opportunity to 'play' in a 3500-seat theater? 


During the process, a patron with severe hearing impairment asked if improving the hearing assist system was possible. The hearing assist system at Broadway Dallas was considered typical and state-of-the-art. Epstein thought: "We have some negative effects here like Audio Analgesia confusing the brain. I think we can do better."


Not everyone would have had this thought. It just so happened that Epstein had done work during his undergraduate studies at Purdue University using sound to 'confuse' the brain to reduce pain sensitivity and stress, known as Audio Analgesia, during dental surgeries. He realized a similar effect could happen in a typical theater hearing assist system, diminishing a patron's ability to understand dialog.


So, Epstein, with support from the team at Idibri/Salas-Obrien, began to make changes to every aspect of the hearing assist system at Broadway Dallas, from staff procedures to interfacing with users to electronic processing of the sound to make it more friendly to the brain. The process was slowly implemented on the working system. Epstein was careful not to take backward steps that might interfere with a patron's experience. Soon, the Music Hall at Fair Park began to receive unsolicited positive comments from users.


HEAR US NOW is Realized

That was when Epstein knew they were ready for some serious testing. He asked the patron who had inquired about improving the system if he would be the test case during an upcoming performance of Wicked, a show with many ‘acoustic events.’


That patron called the morning after the performance, and Epstein could tell the emotion in his voice…."He told me he heard perfectly and enjoyed a Broadway show for the first time in 20 years! He said he previously came because his wife wanted to go. He would look around and laugh if others were laughing, clap if others were clapping—but he had no idea why." Other patrons made similar comments to the hearing assistant attendants as they turned in their headsets. At that point, Epstein knew he was on to something.


Epstein evolved HEAR US NOW by collaborating with nationally recognized experts, including UTD's Callier Center for Communication Disorders, Purdue University, and Idibri/Salas-Obrien. The enhanced listening opportunities were delivered to patrons through various methods, ranging from improved headsets to technology compatible with T-coil, streamers, and other technologies. 


The HEAR US NOW System

The HEAR US NOW System is not a hearing aid. A hearing aid picks up sound close to an individual and amplifies it in the person's ear. HEAR US NOW picks up sound from a distant source, such as the "house audio feed." It processes the sound according to the HEAR US NOW standards and broadcasts it through headsets or other means to patrons using dedicated receivers.


HEAR US NOW is so unique that the United States Patent and Trademark Office has allowed two patents and four trademarks—and more are in process.


HEAR US NOW's work continues today. The organization is examining more technology and opportunities to improve the venue audio experience for a broad spectrum of users. 


Hear Us Now is a registered trademark of The Hear Us Now Foundation.


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Barry Epstein at the Meyerson Symphony Center

3 Milford Place

Dallas, TX 75230

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© 2025 Hear Us Now

Hear Us Now® is a registered trademark of The Hear Us Now Foundation

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